
裴雪松,张晓娜*,葛 麟,董 鹏,安 宁,张海武,李 晖,张 泽


裴雪松,张晓娜*,葛 麟,董 鹏,安 宁,张海武,李 晖,张 泽

(1.北京工业大学固体微结构与性能研究所,北京100124;2.北京北冶功能材料有限公司,北京100192;3.浙江大学电镜中心,材料科学与工程学院,浙江 杭州310027)

   本文利用球差校正透射电镜FEI Titan G2在原子尺度下研究了Ni基高温合金中析出μ相内(12)μ及(11)μ面缺陷的结构,对层错的结构特征及形成原因进行了分析。HAADF-STEM成像结果显示,μ相非基面缺陷的出现与μ相的生长特性相关,产生于(001)μ面上不同结构单元相接导致的结构变化。这种因形成(001)μ层错从而引起其他类型面缺陷出现的现象丰富了对拓扑密堆相中缺陷产生原因的认识。

关键词  Ni-Mo-Cr高温合金;HAADF-STEM;μ相;非基面缺陷

中图分类号:TB31;TG115.21+5.3;O469  文献标识码:A   doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6281.2022.02.003


Study on the formation and structure of μ-phase

non-basal planar defects in Ni-Mo-Cr model superalloy

PEI Xue-song1, ZHANG Xiao-na1*, GE Lin1, DONG Peng1, AN Ning2, ZHANG Hai-wu1, Li Hui1, ZHANG Ze3

(1. Institute of Microstructure and Property of Advanced Materials, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124;

2. Beijing Beiye Functional Materials Corporation, Beijing 100192; 3. Department of Material Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Zhejiang 310027, China)

Abstract   In this paper, the atomic-resolution high-angle annular dark-field scanning (HAADF-STEM) imaging technique has been applied to investigate the microstructure of (12)μand (11)μplanar faults of the precipitated μ phase in Ni-Cr-Mo superalloy. The HAADF-STEM imaging shows that the appearance of the non-basal planar defects is related to the growth characteristics ofμ phase, which results from the structural changes caused by the connection of different structural units on the (001)μ plane. This phenomenon of the formation of the non-basal planar defects has enriched the understanding of the causes of defects in the topological close-packed phase.

Keywords   Ni-Mo-Cr superalloy; HAADF-STEM; μ phase; non-basal planar defects

